Just back from 9 days in Uruguay, such a cool place to visit, the Uruguayans are very welcoming and soo laid back, nearly to the point of horizontal!
Everyone drinks copious amounts of mate, carrying a thermos and mate cup and bombisha everywhere they go!
Most people use a scooter as their primary means of transport. No one wears helmets outside of montevideo, and if your riding pillion you can't hold onto the rider or the scooter as it seems to be a sign of weakness! The only people that helmets are acceptable on are children under ten, and you often see whole families squeezed onto tiny scooters.
In Colonia the majority of the local boy racers cruise the strip on their scooters with their friends on the back, the drivers more often than not drinking beer and smoking weed.
In Colonia the majority of the local boy racers cruise the strip on their scooters with their friends on the back, the drivers more often than not drinking beer and smoking weed.
There are also a lot of classic cars driven around and many pristine examples of cars from the 70's and early 80's.
I found this on the beech, not sure what it is but I think it may be a jellyfish of some kind as it had long stringy tentacles coming from it.
The picturesque fishing village of Punto Del Diablo, it is their winter season at the moment so most accomodation and the campsite are closed, in typical Dave style I found this out upon arrival and also that the ones that where open were fully booked, as it was dusk we decided to rough camp in the woods near to the beech. Waking up I found a huge scorpion and numerous large spiders had made a home for themselves in amongst the backpacks, no more camping this close to the equator for a while after spending an hour giving every individual item in my pack an intensive scorpion check.
The town of Colonia is very picturesque, and the sort of place your memory card fills up quickly with great shots.