A shanty town on the outskirts of La Plata, how people can live in such conditions is beyond me, the river running next to it could be smelt before it could be seen and was a combination of open sewer and chemical plant run off.
Argentina is a country of contrasts especially when it comes to money, you'll see street kids covered in dirt with no shoes strung out from paco, next to Mcdonalds or a designer boutique.

For the tree surgeons amongst us! This is the drunken stick tree called so because it has a bit of a pot belly on it! They also have the most lethal thorn/spikes on the stem and branches, a cross between rose thorns and dinosaur protection!

Some kids playing an impromptu game of football in the plaza, and they were fairly shit hot, the four of them could have taken a dunoon amateurs select easily!

This is the cathedral in La Plata, it was only completed in 2000 after about 80 years building work, sounds like the Scottish parliament! We took a tour of the crypt and went up the steeple on the left hand side to within 30 feet of the top, great views all around as far as uruguay to north.

There are many, many classics on the roads of Argentina, this is a fine example of some sort of 50's pick-up.

Drinking the first mate of the holiday, a bit bitter at first but like smoking the more you persist the nicer it gets! Only joking, smoking is a disgusting habit, highly addictive and makes you smell, don't do it.
do you seriously think they could cause the dyfl defence any problems? those wee dafties? nae chance!
Some learning curve - this trip of yours - yes, keep clear of the drunken stick tree ... I'm sure it looks nice than it feels.
Cameron Miller's here so we're about to have a mate too - hope it's not too hard to get used to!
I can just picture dads face when he tried that mate that time! careful with Cam cause we always used to drink the things without sugar, ultra-bitter!
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