Feb 1, 2009

Los Antigous, Chile Chico, Puerto Ibanez and the third/fourth Reich

On the ferry from Chile Chico to Puerto Ibanez, the Chilean equivalent of western ferry's!

Disco small town gaucho style

The view from the hillside above Chile Chico looking towards Puerto Ibanez and Cerro Piramides (2400 metres)

Puerto Ibanez, a one horse town with more than its fair share of Israeli hating Nazi war criminal descendants!!

Chile Chico on the shore of Lago General Carrera/Lago Buenos Aires (depending on which country your in) The lago has the most amazing crystal clear azure blue water.
In the town apricots were growing in the middle of the streets and anyone could help themselves too them! The local restaurant we dined with some Germans one evening had cases of them piled up behind the tables, as we made light conversation about how to spot Israelis and how they occupy hostel kitchens like the Gaza strip, and the impending fourth Reich! I kid you not!!

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